
How to View Account Ledger?

Your account ledger contains the details of credit and debit transactions applicable for your Demat account. Account ledger includes the details of the date, type and amount pertaining to each transaction. Please click here to view an example of a sample ledger along with details of transactions.

You can view your transaction and balance details in your ledger which is available online; the path is explained below:

Login to your account on > My Account > View My Ledger.

Click on NSE/BSE/NSEDERV to view the full details.

You can check fund transfer details from Bank to Equity in ledger which is available online, the path is mentioned below:

Login to your account on > My Account > View My Legder > NSE - In NSE ledger select type as REC.

On selection of type as 'REC' you will be able to view all the fund transfer details from bank to equity.

Similarly you can check fund transfer details from Equity To Bank in ledger online, the path for which is mentioned below:

Login to your account on > My Account - View My Legder > NSE - In NSE ledger select type as PAY.

On selection of type as 'PAY' you will be able to view all the details regarding the payouts to your Bank account.

You can view the trade details in your ledger by clicking on the Valan entries passed.

When shares are sold the sell proceeds (i.e. settlement payouts) are transferred to the bank account linked with the trading profile the next working day of the settlement date.

You can transfer funds from you Equity to Bank by giving a money repayment request online, by following below mentioned path:

Login to your account on > Money Transfer - Select the option Equity to Bank

Please Note: Requests received till 6.00 p.m on a working day shall be validated against your ledger balance, minimum margin request and exposure. After processing, the available amount shall be credited to your bank account registered with us on the next working day.

Available Margin is the maximum exposure a client can have at Kotak Securities at any given point of time for trading. A multiple is applicable for each scrip, however the multiple can differ for different scrips. For a normal account we provide a 4 times exposure on the margin available, subject to the multiple of the scrip.

Total Margin = {Base Capital + Initial Margin + Delivery Trade Value + Deemed Ledger +/- Non MF P/L (actual Profit or Loss from a square-off transaction till the settlement day in case of Cash Market and Square-off Profit on Futures Transactions) + Security Margin +/- Premiums (earned/payable on Options) - Mark-to-Market loss (if any)}.

Margin Available = Total Margin - Margin Utilised.


Base Capital - The net cash balance in the account as on that day including the net transfers if any. It is also the net balance in the ledger on previous day - BSE, NSE & NSE Derivative's ledger including the net transfers.

Margin Utilised- The multiple offered on stocks is 4 and that on index is 11. However the multiple on stocks is subject to changes depending upon the scrip wise multiple as well as the category of the customer. For convenience we shall consider the multiple on stocks as 4. As mentioned above, this multiple is applicable while calculation of the utilisation, i.e. the actual transaction value (scrip rate * quantity) is divided by the applicable multiple in case of cash market orders. For some scrip on which the multiple is one, the actual transaction value is blocked as utilisation.

Delivery Trade Value - If the customer sells the shares available in his account by Delivery Marking, his utilisation will remain zero. Instead as soon as his delivery marked order is traded, he gets delivery trade value (DTV), which is equivalent to his sales, proceeds. The DTV gets added in his Total Margin against which he will be allowed to take fresh positions.

Security Margin - The security margin offered to customers is also called the Twin Advantage. It is the valuation of shares that the customer holds in his demat account. A margin of upto 86% on specified scrips is available against the stocks in the demat account.

Premium - The premium calculated against the derivative contracts bought and sold is calculated here.

Deemed Ledger - Is applicable against BNST-G - Buy Now Sell Tomorrow with a guarantee of upto 75%. This indicates that 75% of the listed scrips purchased on the previous day can be sold under BNST-G. In case he sells the said shares on the next day by marking BNST-G, instead of blocking his limits further, we release his limits to the extent of the utilisation that would have been ideally blocked, i.e. one-fourth of the sale transaction value (upto a limit of 75%) which is called BNST-G credit. After the payin of the settlement in which shares were bought, the BNST-G credit is knocked off and the entire sales proceeds is added to the customer's limits which is termed as deemed ledger, thus allowing him to take fresh positions.

Non-MF P/L - The actual Profit or Loss from a square-off transaction till the settlement day in case of Cash Market and Square-off Profit on Futures Transaction.

MF P/L - The actual profit / loss against the MF positions incurred in the previous two settlements (payin/payout of which is pending) is reflected here.

Mark to Market - The mark to market table is run every hour. The notional profit/loss incurred at this point of time (considering the price at which the customer has transacted and the current market price) against the Non-MF positions is calculated here. If the market rate of the scrip falls below the traded rate of the order placed, the system calculates the difference in the amount and displays the same under Mark to Market.

MF Mark to Market - The mark to market table is run every hour. The notional profit / loss incurred at this point of time (considering the price at which the customer has transacted and the current market price) against the MF positions is calculated here.

The order status can be viewed online, the path for which is mentioned below:

Login to your account on > Equity > Check Order Status.

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