Nest Trading Terminal

Available only for Kotak Neo Clients

Comprehensive platform offering a range of financial products and services tailored to your needs

QuickOrder placement
MultipleFunction keys
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Steps to install Nest Trading Terminal
Get Our Platform Within A Few Clicks
Easily download and install the Nest Trader once you login to Kotak Neo with these quick and hassle free steps.
Login to Kotak Neo
Click on Invest
Click on Nest Downloader
Access Our Platform Directly With The Setup Links
Effortlessly download and install Nest Trader using the simple steps above, or access our platform directly if needed
Setup 1: Self trading clients

For clients who trade on their own or trade via call and trade.

Setup 2: Dealer Assisted Clients

For clients who trade on their own or via our dealers.

Setup 3: Self trading clients

For clients who trade on their own or trade via call and trade.

Steps to Install

To know the detailed steps about installing nest trading terminal, Click here. (Use Setup 2 as a backup for Setup 1)

Watch and Learn
Get Our Platform Within A Few Clicks
Explore our video guides on the Nest Trader, to understand how to install Nest Trader, add funds and check margins.
How to install Kotak Securities' Nest Terminal

How to install Kotak Securities' Nest Terminal

Kotak Securities

1m 44s

Features of the platform
Built for Traders
Innovative features and advanced functionality to revolutionize the way you trade
Advanced charts
Analyze market trends and patterns with our advanced charting tools
Vwap Statistics
A dynamic reference point for Traders, indicating the average price of a security based on trading volume, aiding in better price execution and trend analysis.
Preset Watchlist
Access your favorite stocks and assets instantly with our watchlist feature
Bracket Order
A multi-leg trading strategy that involves placing a buy/sell order, along with predefined stop-loss and take-profit orders, all in a single order entry.
Advanced charts

Analyze market trends and patterns with our advanced charting tools

A dynamic reference point for Traders, indicating the average price of a security based on trading volume, aiding in better price execution and trend analysis.

Access your favorite stocks and assets instantly with our watchlist feature

A multi-leg trading strategy that involves placing a buy/sell order, along with predefined stop-loss and take-profit orders, all in a single order entry.

Hands on learnings with our webinars
Our webinars are designed to help you become a better trader
Switch to Neo
Switch to an enhanced experience
Trade in markets is now easier, better and faster
What all we offer
Alternative Trading Platforms
Discover our range of powerful trading platforms designed to enhance your trading experience and unlock your full potential in the financial markets.

Still have questions?

To install NEST, scroll up on this page and go to the 'Download and Install NEST Trading Terminal' Section.

Use Set up 1 if you are a self-trading client and use Set up 2 if you are a dealer assisted client.

Note: For any reason, if you are not able to login to NEST downloaded from Set up 1, please install NEST from Set up 2.

Follow below instruction to complete the installation process:

  1. Go to the appropriate Set up and click on Install Now
  2. Choose Nest version according to the system OS configuration and begin downloading the file. (The file will be in zipped format.)
  3. Unzip and extract the downloaded file.
  4. Double-click the Nest Trader set-up to install
  5. Select Destination to install Nest Trader

Click here for detailed instructions.

The user ID for Nest is your PAN. To know how to setup your login for the first time refer link below:

How do I set my Nest password?

To reset your Nest password, you can follow the steps in the video below:

  1. The user ID for Nest is your PAN, once the same is entered please click on ‘Reset Password’ and follow steps in the video to set up the password. The password set up in this step can be entered directly for subsequent logins

  2. If you get a pop up message as “Incorrect Date of Birth” then try entering your date of birth as 01.01.2000 and it should work

OTPs are sent to your phone instead of your email. Please look for an SMS on your registered phone number for the same.

You should receive the OTP on your phone within 3 minutes but, in case you don't simply get in touch with us on 1-800-209-9191 from Mon-Sat between 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM.

Steps to set up passwords for both Neo mobile app and Nest trader terminal are separate.

For ease, you can choose to keep the same password for both.

To set up your Neo account follow the instructions here.

To set up your Nest account follow the instructions here.

Although not recommended, Nest with 2 different brokers can be used on the same system.

Save the applications in two different drives, for example, Kotak Securities' Nest in C Drive and another broker's Nest in D Drive.

Apart from the nest trader terminal on your desktop, you will also have access to the Kotak Securities neo mobile app.

While Keat Pro and Kotak stock trading app won't be accessible after you switch to Neo, you will be able to access your account on Kotak Securities website only for non-trading requirements and service requests.

Note - The login ID and password for nest trader terminal, neo mobile app and Kotak securities website are not the same.

Enter your respective user ID and password for and 'Do not enter the Access Code' after you have switched to Neo.

All your order and trade related activities can be accessed only from nest trader terminal and neo mobile app.

To set up your Neo account follow the instructions here.

To set up your Nest account follow the instructions here.

You may click here to know about how to transfer funds through Nest.

Alternatively, an easier and faster way to do this is using the Kotak Neo mobile app and add funds through it. You can transfer funds without any charges via Razorpay and UPI.

Please follow the steps in the link below to know how to transfer funds via the Neo mobile app:

How do I transfer funds to my trading account?

The shortcut to invoke trade book is F8. Shortcut to order book is F3 or you could go to View order/trade reports

In the admin positions window (Shortcut - F11), you can see all your positions. To know how to square off your open positions, click here.

There are no separate charges for using Nest. Your brokerage plan continues the same as before.

If you are on the Trade Free Plan, you can find out more details here.

Have more questions? Click here to check all FAQs related to NEST.

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