
How can I place an After Market Order (AMO)?

You can place AMO just like you place a normal buy/sell order. The app will automatically prompt you to convert the order to AMO when it is placed outside market hours. You can find the placed order under open orders with an AMO tag until it gets executed.

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You will see the below message on the order placement page

You will see the below message on the order placement page

To place an AMO order,

  1. Select “Scrip” from market watch
  2. Press the shortcut key “CTRL + F1” for a buy AMO, and “CTRL + F2” for a sell AMO
  3. Enter details
  4. Click “Submit”.

For a Basket AMO,

  1. Press the shortcut key “ALT + SHIFT + O”
  2. Enter orders
  3. Click “Place”

You will see the below message on the order placement page

You will see the tag as “After Market Order” under Pending Orders

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