
Does Kotak Securities provide leverage for delivery/carry over positions?

Yes, unlike most other brokers, Kotak Securities offers leverage for delivery and carryover positions. When executing a trade, only the minimum upfront margin is required, with the balance to be funded on T+2 for delivery trades Cash Segment.

To know the minimum margin required to be paid upfront for executing a delivery trade, click here.

You can also trade using Margin Trade Funding (MTF) as an order type. Under MTF, you must pay a minimum of 25% of the trade value upfront in cash or stock as collateral, with the balance funded by Kotak Securities at a nominal interest rate. The position can be open indefinitely, that is, for as long as you want. The difference between MIS and MTF is in the time period for which the position can be held.

To know more about MTF, click here.

To know the leverage provided on MTF, click here.

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Yes, we do provide leverage for delivery positions. You can avail the same using the below order types: Kotak NEO - Prime and MTF

Yes, we do provide leverage for delivery positions. You can avail the same using the below order types: Kotak Stock Trader Mobile Application - Delivery and MTF

This feature is not allowed for this platform.
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