
How to unpledge shares on Kotak Neo?

Unpledge refers to the process of releasing or removing collateral that was previously pledged against a margin requirement. Here’s how you can unpledge shares on Kotak Neo:

1. How do I unpledge my scrips?
Go to the Funds section in the Neo application. Click on "Pledge Shares for More Margin," then switch to the "Unpledge" tab to see all the scrips that were pledged earlier.

2. How can I unpledge stocks?
You can unpledge your stocks by either selling them or by navigating to the "Unpledge" tab under the Funds section in the Neo application and unpledging the stocks there.

3. How can I unpledge mutual funds?
To unpledge mutual funds, go to the "Unpledge" tab under the Funds section in the Neo application and unpledge them from there.

4. What is the turnaround time (TAT) for unpledging scrips?
Unpledging typically takes 1 working day.

5. Why is my unpledge request taking longer?
Requests placed after 2:30 PM will take 2 working days for processing, as the request for unpledge will be taken up the next trading day.

6. How can I check if my unpledge request was successful?
Check the margin under the Funds section or the quantity of those scrips in the "Pledge" tab of the Neo application.

7. How do I view my unpledge request history?
Click on the "Request History" tab to view your pledge and unpledge history. Currently, you can see the history on a weekly basis.

8. Why does my unpledge request always show as "in process"?
Due to technical constraints, the status of your unpledge request may always appear as "in process". To confirm if your scrip has been unpledged, check the margin or pledge quantity, or review your DP holding report.

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