Kotak Mutual Fund SIP Calculator

Calculate the returns of your mutual fund SIP investment in just a few minutes.

Start SIP with just Rs.100
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Monthly SIP Amount


SIP Period


Expected Return Rate (p.a)



Estimated Returns

Invested amount

₹ 30,00,000

Estimated returns

₹ 39,66,432

Total value

₹ 69,66,432

Disclaimer: Past performance is not an indicator of future returns

Welcome to Kotak Mutual Fund SIP calculator that is a fantastic aid for financial planning. Kotak Mutual Fund is a leading mutual fund in India which offers innovative and customer-focused investment solutions. In its bid to offer long-standing and constant worth to investors, Kotak Mutual Fund has diversified its mutual fund schemes to cater for different needs of clients.

Calculating estimated returns using the SIP calculator of Kotak Mutual fund is easy and hassle free. Just stick to these few steps:

1. Enter investment details: Start by entering the amount you want to invest through SIPs. That could be any amount more than Rs.100 depending on your investing budget.

2. Put down expected rate of return: Put down what you expect as your rate of return from your SIP investments. This should be based on historical performance and market conditions.

3. Select investment tenure: Mention how many years you want to continue doing SIP investments. Short or long term – no matter what the duration of your goal is, you can go for a SIP investment to achieve it.

Once all the information asked has been entered in, The estimated returns on investment will be calculated by the Kotak Mutual Fund SIP calculator. It will help you get a future value of your investment at the end of the investment tenure using the given inputs.

The Kotak Mutual Fund SIP calculator operates by utilising the compound interest formula. This formula takes into account the investment amount, expected rate of return, and investment tenure. It assumes that you will be making SIP investments monthly. The tool then computes how much your SIP investments will be worth at a later date based on these input figures in order to enable you to make better plans regarding your finance.

  • No charges: You can use it as many times as you wish without any cost. Even if an individual has existing Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) and wants to start a new one for another financial goal, this facility is still available for use.
  • Convenience: Calculate and plan for your SIP investments online with ease saving your time and energy. Use your time to concentrate on major decisions like selecting the right scheme according to your purpose or restructuring personal finances.

An SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) is a mode of instalment-based investing in mutual funds. Here's how an SIP works:

  • SIP registration: The investor selects a mutual fund plan and sets up SIP that details the investing amount for each period, which can be daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly as per his/her wish.
  • Debited amount: On the prearranged date, the SIP value gets automatically deducted from a specified bank account and invested in the given scheme of mutual funds.
  • Allocation of units: The SIP value buys units of the mutual fund scheme at its current net asset value (NAV) on date of investment.

Any number of times; you are free to use it as often as you want. You can calculate it with diverse tenures, investment amounts as well as rates of return.

Systematic Investment Plan top-up is an option provided by some MF companies where they increase the periodic investment amount in a specific SIP. There are two ways investors may decide to top up their existing plan such as fixed sum or say 5% or 10% (percentage) of the principal amount at regular intervals like annual or semi-annual basis; it helps them raise their investments gradually over years hence making them reach their financial goals faster.

Start SIP with just Rs.100
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Mutual Fund Calculators

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Start SIP with just Rs.100
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