
What are the benefits of autoinvest?

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  • Equities: Usually SIP is only offered in mutual funds. AutoInvest allows you to invest in both, stocks through equity SIP and in MFs.

  • Single instruction: AutoInvest drastically reduces the amount of time you spend on transactions. All you need to do is register once.

  • Expert advice: Since the stock selection is not manual, Kotak Securities will allow your money to automatically be invested in expert-backed assets.

  • Amount-based investments: When you fix a single amount to be invested regularly, you cover multiple market cycles. During market lows, you buy more shares. In contrast, you buy less number of shares. This way, the average cost of your shares fall.

  • Time-reduction: Every paisa you own is hard-earned. Putting this money into any kind of investment requires work and time. Opting for AutoInvest reduces this time.

  • Discipline: Caught in the daily grind, it is easy to forget to invest. AutoInvest helps discipline in your investment process. You will be investing regularly come what may.

  • Compounding: With AutoInvest, you also benefit from the power of compounding – earning more profits by regularly reinvesting.

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