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Qtr Change %
49.15% Fall from 52W High
TTM PE Ratio
Below industry Median
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Below industry Median
Dividend yield 1yr %
Below industry Median
PEG TTM is less than 1

Techno Electric & Engineering Company Key Financials

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*All values are in ₹ Cr.

*All values are in ₹ Cr.

*All values are in ₹ Cr.

*All values are in ₹ Cr.

Techno Electric & Engineering Company Quarterly Revenue

Dec 2024Sep 2024Jun 2024Mar 2024Dec 2023
636.08 Cr
441.42 Cr
375.37 Cr
439.62 Cr
326.54 Cr

Techno Electric & Engineering Company Yearly Revenue

Mar 2024Mar 2023Mar 2022Mar 2021Mar 2020
1638.49 Cr
904.14 Cr
1224.64 Cr
956.08 Cr
922.68 Cr

Techno Electric & Engineering Company Quarterly Net Profit/Loss

Dec 2024Sep 2024Jun 2024Mar 2024Dec 2023
95.99 Cr
94.21 Cr
53.27 Cr
77.54 Cr
91.88 Cr

Techno Electric & Engineering Company Yearly Net Profit/Loss

Mar 2024Mar 2023Mar 2022Mar 2021Mar 2020
271.82 Cr
96.61 Cr
260.25 Cr
183.62 Cr
177.65 Cr
Techno Electric & Engineering Company Result Highlights
  • Techno Electric & Engineering Company Ltd reported a 41.5% quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) increase in its consolidated revenues for the quarter-ended Dec (Q3FY25). On a year-on-year (YoY) basis, it witnessed a growth of 83.1%.

  • Its expenses for the quarter were up by 46.9% QoQ and 99.6% YoY.

  • The net profit increased 1.9% QoQ and increased 4.5% YoY.

  • The earnings per share (EPS) of Techno Electric & Engineering Company Ltd stood at 8.3 during Q3FY25.

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Data Source: BSE, Company announcements

The securities quoted are exemplary and are not recommendatory. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Techno Electric & Engineering Company shareholding Pattern

Foreign Institutions
Mutual Funds
Domestic Institutions
Foreign Institutions
Mutual Funds
Domestic Institutions
Foreign Institutions
Mutual Funds
Domestic Institutions
Foreign Institutions
Mutual Funds
Domestic Institutions
Foreign Institutions
Mutual Funds
Domestic Institutions
Foreign Institutions
Mutual Funds
Domestic Institutions

Techno Electric & Engineering Company Technical Analysis

Moving Averages Analysis
Moving Averages Analysis
Current Price
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Bearish Moving Averages
5Day EMA
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26Day EMA
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5Day SMA
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Delivery & Volume

Delivery & Volume

PeriodCombined Delivery VolumeNSE+BSE Traded Volume
Day Rs
163558 Rs
320920 Rs
Week Rs
301619 Rs
525471 Rs
Month Rs
211531 Rs
472994 Rs
Resistance & Support
First Resistance
Second Resistance
Third Resistance
First Support
Second support
Third Support
Relative Strength Index
Money Flow Index
MACD Signal
Average True Range
Average Directional Index
Rate of Change (21)
Rate of Change (125)

Techno Electric & Engineering Company Company background

Founded in: 2005
Managing director: P P Gupta
Techno Electric Engineering Company Limited (Formerly Simran Wind Project Limited) was incorporated as a Public Limited Company in October 26, 2005. The Company name was thereafter changed from Simran Wind Project Limited to Techno Electric Engineering Company Limited effective from August 3, 2010. Techno Electric Engineering Company Limited is a recognised company in the power sector. It provides engineering, procurement and construction services to three segments of power sector including generation, transmission and distribution. The Company is also engaged in generation of wind power through Wind Turbine Generators in the states of Tamil Nadu KarnatakaIn FY 2009, the Company became an independent renewable energy producer with 129.9 MW wind energy capacity installed in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The customers are mainly central and state public sector undertakings, but also cater to private companies in powerintensive industries. The Company acquired two wind powergenerating companies, Simran Wind Project Private Limited and Super Wind Project Private Limited (merged with Techno Electric), with capacities of 50.45 MW and 45 MW, respectively. In 2011, the Company received private equity investment from International Finance Corporation (IFC), Washington and set up 111.9 MW wind farm in Tamil Nadu.In FY 2015, the Company bought back the 3.38% stake held by International Finance Corporation. The Company sold 44.45 MW of windpower assets at an effective valuation of Rs 2,150 million during Q1 during the FY 2016. In FY 2017, it sold 33 MW of wind energy assets in Tamil Nadu at an effective valuation of Rs 1,650 million.The National Company Law Tribunal Bench at Allahabad vide order dated 20 July 2018 sanctioned the Scheme of Amalgamation of Techno Electric Engineering Company Limited with the Company with effect from the appointed date i.e., 01 April 2017 and consequent to the amalgamation and upon scheme becoming effective, the name of the Company has been changed from Simran Wind Project Limited to Techno Electric Engineering Company Limited.The Company had allotted 11,26,82,400 Equity Shares of Rs. 2/ each as fully paid up on 10th August, 2018 pursuant to the scheme of amalgamation sanctioned by the Honble National Company Law Tribunal, bench at Allahabad (NCLT) vide its Order dated 20th July, 2018 without payment being received in cash to the shareholders of the Company without any consideration. The entire paid up preamalgamation share capital of the Company being held by the Transferor Company has been cancelled pursuant to the Scheme of Amalgamation. The Board of Directors of the Company have approved the buyback of 26,82,400 Equity Shares of 2 each at a price of Rs 410 per Equity Share from the Equity Shareholders of the Company in the Board Meeting held on 13 December 2018. The buyback has been completed in the month of April, 2019.The Company sold 74% stake in Patran to India Grid Trust at enterprise value of Rs. 225 crores in FY 2019. During the FY 2020, the Company entered into the Data Centre business of 25 MW in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The Company plans to scale presence to develop hyperdensity Data Centres of 250 MW capacity across India by FY 202526. The Company disposed off its investment in Joint Venture Company namely, Jhajjar KT Transco Pvt. Ltd and hence, it ceased to be Joint Venture Company with effect from 28th September, 2020. During the year 202021 the following projects were completed by the Company as follows:1) Contract for AIS Substation PackageSS29 from PGCIL for 765/400kV BhadlaII PS (Jodhpur) New S/S under Transmission Scheme for Solar Energy Zones in Rajasthan. 2) Installation, testing and commissioning of 400/220 kV, 7X167 MVA Substation at New Kohima associated with North Eastern Region Strengthening SchemeVI (NERSSVI) of KohimaMariani Transmission Limited.3) Contract for Construction of 2 nos. 400 kV GIS Line Bays for Termination of Jeerat (New) Jeerat (WBSETCL) 400 kV D/C Line (ERSS XVIII), Construction of 2 nos. of 400 kV GIS Line Bays for Termination of Sagardighi TPS Subhasgram PGCIL 400 kV S/C Line (ERSS XV A) and Modification of Termination Arrangement of 4 nos. 400 kV Existing Feeders at Jeerat 400 kV Substation (ERSS XV B), District 24 Parganas (North) in State of West Bengal of WBSETCL.4) GIS Substation Package MEGSS02 for Meghalaya associated with NER Power System Improvement Project. i) 220/132/33kV New Shillong (New) GIS, ii) 220/132kV Mawngap GIS (Upgrade), iii) 220kV Byrnihat AIS (Extn).5) Contract for unmetered consumer to metered consumer and New Connection to left over rural/urban household under ESSD at Nirsa, Tundi, Mukunda, Gobindpur, Hirapur, Barwadda Chirkunda under Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Har Ghar Yojna Saubhagya Scheme of Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited.6) Contract for Construction of 132kV Substations and Transmission Lines with associated feeder bays in Western and Central MP (SOR Based) on total TurnKey Basis of Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Co. Ltd.The following projects are ongoing and are expected to be completed as per schedule by the Company as follows:1. Contract for Supply Erection of materials/ equipment with Mandatory Spares, Transportation including transit insurance on for Site basis of all the materials/equipment and auxiliaries in all respect on lumpsum turnkey basis for 765/400 kV Substation at Lakadia and 765kV bay extension at Bhuj in the state of Gujarat.2. Design, engineering, manufacturing, testing supply of Materials/Equipment, transportation including transit insurance on FOTR site basis of all the material/equipment and auxiliaries in all respect on turnkey basis for 2 No. 765kV at Lakadia Substation under LBTL Package.3. Contract for Substation Package SS01 for Transmission Line Associated with Intrastate Transmission projects of Uttar Pradesh Construction of 400/220 kV Rampur 400/220/132 kV Sambhal GIS Substation (Rampur Sambhal Project) through tariff based competitive bidding (TCBC) route.4. Procurement of Plant, Design, Supply, Installation, testing commissioning of 500 kV Arghande (Kabul) Substation of Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat.5. Contract for Bay Extension of 400/220 KV Bay at CGPL, Mundra SS extra bays at Lakhadia SS under JKTL.6. Contract for Extension of 2 Nos. 400kV GIS substation and line bays at Jharkhand pool (Chandwa) for termination of 400kV Jharkhand PoolLatehar D/C Line.7. Contract for Extension of 400(GIS)/220(AIS) kV New Siliguri substation including installation of 1 no., 315MVA, 400/220/33kV, 3phase transformer along with associated AIS/GIS bay equipment.8. Contract for Engineering, Procurement Construction of Extension of Kara Substation NEW 161/20 KV Substation at Mango in TOGO.9. OnShore Supply, Service and OffShore contract for GIS Substation package ASMSS04 under NER Power System Improvement Project World Bank Funded: IntraStateAssam of PGCIL.10. Substation Package NAGSS01 including Transformer for (i) 132/33kV Longnak (New) s/s (ii) 132/33kV Longleg (New) s/s under Transmission System for Nagaland State associated with NER Power System Improvement of PGCIL.11. Contract for Construction of 220/132/33 KV (2x160 + 3x50) MVA, GSS at Asthawan, District Nalanda including Residential Quarters with Construction of 02 Nos. 220 KV Line Bays 06 Nos. 132 KV Line Bays at remote end on Turnkey Basis under State Plan on turnkey basis under State Plan of Bihar State Power Transmission Co. Ltd.12. Contract for the work providing all services i.e. of Flue gas Desulphurization (FGD) system Package for Bokaro Thermal Power Station, BTPS A (1x500 MW) located at Bokaro, Jharkhand.13. Contract for Construction of 220 GIS Substations at Thalassery Kunnamkulam on Turnkey Basis (KIIFB Funding).14. Contract for Construction of 2 nos. 220kV bays at Nallalam, 2 Nos of 400 kV bays at Madakkathara and Automation SCADA system at Madakkathara on Turnkey basis (PSDF Funding).15. Contract for Turnkey implementation of AMI for 2.0 Lakhs ( 1 Lakh in Jammu City + 1 Lakh in Srinagar City ) with 5 years FMS including OM for Power Development Department (PDD) of Government of JK under PMDP.16. Contract for 33/11KV Substation, Distribution Substation along with associated lines and related works in Srinagar Circle of Jammu Kashmir under IPDSPackageA.17. Contract for 33/11KV Substation, Distribution Substation along with associated lines and related works in Srinagar Circle of Jammu Kashmir under PMDPPackageA.During the year 202021, the Company bagged the following Orders:1. SS Package SS34 for (i) Extension of 400 KV Kanpur S/s including 6 Nos. 400 kV, Ohm, 1 Ph, Series Line reactors, (ii) Extension of 400kV Bhiwani S/s including 3 nos. 400kV, 12 Ohm, 1Ph. Series Bus reactors (iii) Extention of 400kV Hissar SS under Scheme to control fault level in Northern Region (PhII).2. Contact for establishment of 2x500MVA, 400/220 kV GIS Substation at Kasargoda Extension of 400kV Bays at Udupi.3. SS Package SS01 for (i) Establishment of 765/400Kv Sikar II (New) S/S (Including 1x125MVAR, 420kV Bus Reactor) (ii) Construction of 2 Nos. of 765kV Line bays at Bhadla II PS for Sikar II Bhadla II 765kV D/c line and (iii) Construction of 2 nos. of 400kv Line bays at Neemrana substation for SikarII Neemrana 400kV D/c line associated with Transmission Scheme for evacuation of power from Solar Energy Zones in Rajasthan (8.1 GW) under PhaseII part C through Traiff Based Competitive bidding (TBCB) route.The Company participated in transmission projects via PPP projects. It implemented innovative solutions in this sector, leveraging its expertise in the EPC sector. The Company mainly have three main projects in the PPP sector. The Company implemented a 400 kV transmission system with double circuit quad moose line that extends from Jharli to Kabulpur in Rohtak (35 km) and from Kabulpur to Dipalpur in Sonepat (64 km) using the Design Build Finance Operate Transfer (DBFOT) arrangement and a transmission network designed to evacuate 2,400 MW in 2012. It has two substations of 400/220 kV of 24 bays each at Rohtak and Sonepat. This was the first transmission project to receive viability gap funding support from the government worth 920 million. 2) The Company shouldered responsibility in designing, constructing, erecting, completing and commissioning a 400 kV transmission system with transmission lines extending from Imphal to New Kohima (134 km) and from New Kohima to Mariani (119 km). It set up substations of 400/220 kV at New Kohima for this project. The Company also entered into a definitive agreement with CLP India Pvt. Ltd. to sell 26% stake in Kohima Mariani Transmission Limited (KMTL) at an Enterprise Value of Rs. 1800 crores. Along with this, the Company is focused on expanding Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) business by FY 202223.3) The Company also implemented an endtoend BOOM transmission network project in Patran, Punjab in 2016. For this project, it set up 400/220kV GIS substation with 14 bays with 1,000 MVA evacuation capacity, comprising LILO of Patiala Kaithal. It also set up a 400 kV double circuit triple snowbird line at Patran. The Company increased and expanded its presence in overseas markets by bagging the following transborder projects as follows during the year 2021:1) The Uganda project was completed in 2016 for design, supply and erection of 160 km 132 kV double circuit Mbarara Nkendao transmission line and associated substations worth US18 million.2) The Project in Communaute Electrique du Benin (CEB), Togo, for extension of Kara substation and design, supply, installation and commissioning of new 161/20 kV substation at Mango worth US9.69 million. During the year 202122, the Company completed projects following Contract for Supply Erection of materials /equipment with Mandatory Spares, Transportation including transit insurance on for Site basis of all the materials/ equipment and auxiliaries in all respect on lumsum turnkey basis for 765/400 kV Substation at Lakadia and 765kV bay extension at Bhuj in the state of Gujarat. 2) Design, engineering, manufacturing, testing supply of Materials / Equipment, transportation including transit insurance on FOTR site basis of all the material/ equipment and auxiliaries in all respect on turnkey basis for 2 No. 765kV at Lakadia Substation under LBTL Package. 3) Contract for Extension of 400(GIS)/220(AIS) kV New Siliguri substation including installation of 1 no., 315MVA, 400/220/33kV, 3phase transformer along with associated AIS/GIS bay equipment.4) Contract for Construction of 220/132/33 KV (2x160 + 3x50) MVA, GSS at Asthawan, District Nalanda including Residential Quarters with Construction of 02 Nos. 220 KV Line Bays 06 Nos. 132 KV Line Bays at remote end on Turnkey Basis under State Plan on turnkey basis under State Plan of Bihar State Power Transmission Co. Ltd. 5) Contract for 33/11KV Substation, Distribution Substation along with associated lines and related works in Srinagar Circle of Jammu Kashmir under IPDSPackageA. 6) SS Package SS34 for (i) Extension of 400Kv Kanpur S/s including 6 Nos. 400kV, Ohm, 1 Ph, Series Line reactors, (ii) Extension of 400kV Bhiwani S/s including 3nos. 400kV, 12 Ohm, 1Ph. Series Bus reactors (iii) Extention of 400kV Hissar SS under Scheme to control fault level in Northern Region (PhII). During the year 202223, the Company completed Contract for Substation Package SS01 for Transmission Line Associated with Intrastate Transmission projects of Uttar Pradesh Construction of 400/220 kV Rampur 400/220/132 kV Sambhal GIS Substation (Rampur Sambhal Project) through tariff based competitive bidding (TCBC) route. 2) Contract for Bay Extension of 400/220 KV Bay at CGPL, Mundra SS extra bays at Lakhadia SS under JKTL. 3) Contract for Extension of 2 Nos. 400kV GIS substation and line bays at Jharkhand pool (Chandwa) for termination of 400kV Jharkhand PoolLatehar D/C Line. Substation Package NAGSS01 including Transformer for (i) 132/33kV Longnak (New) s/s (ii) 132/33kV Longleg (New) s/s under Transmission System for Nagaland State associated with NER Power System Improvement of PGCIL. Contract for Construction of 220 GIS Substations at Thalassery Kunnamkulam on Turnkey Basis (KIIFB Funding). Contract for Construction of 2 nos. 220kV bays at Nallalam, 2 Nos of 400 kV bays at Madakkathara and Automation SCADA system at Madakkathara on Turnkey basis (PSDF Funding) . Construction of 2 Nos. of 765kV Line bays at Bhadla II PS for Sikar II Bhadla II 765kV D/c line and Construction of 2 nos. of 400kv Line bays at Neemrana substation for SikarII Neemrana 400kV D/c line associated with Transmission Scheme for evacuation of power from Solar Energy Zones in Rajasthan (8.1 GW).During the year 202324, the Company completed projects following Contract for the work providing all services i.e. of Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) system Package for Bokaro Thermal Power Station, BTPS A (1x500 MW) located at Bokaro, Jharkhand. Supply Service Contract for Design, Engineering, Manufacture, assembly and Testing at manufacturers work, packing forwarding /dispatch, supply of material/equipment with mandatory spares, transportation including transit Insurance on FOR site on lump sum turnkey basis Including design for civil works for 400/230KV Karur Pooling station along with 2 Nos. of 500MVA, 400/220KV Transformer 2 Nos. of 125MVAr, 400kv Bus reactor for Evacuation of Power from RE Sources in Karur / Tiruppur Wind Energy Zone (Tamil Nadu) (2500MW). Contract for Engineering, Procurement Construction of Extension of Kara Substation NEW 161/20 KV Substation at Mango in TOGO. OnShore Supply, Service and OffShore contract for GIS Substation package ASMSS04 under NER Power System Improvement Project World Bank Funded: IntraStateAssam of PGCIL. Contact for establishment of 2x500MVA, 400/220 kV GIS Substation at Kasargoda Extension of 400kV Bays at Udupi. Supply Service Contract for substation Package SS01 for Construction of 400/220/132kV GIS Substation (New), Mohanlalganj, Lucknow, U.P. (including 125MVAR Bus Reactor) under Construction of 400 /220/132kV GIS Substation, Mohanlalganj (Lucknow).
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Techno Electric & Engineering Company FAQs

Techno Electric & Engineering Company Ltd share price is ₹926.4 in NSE and ₹927.25 in BSE as on 13/2/2025 12:00:00 AM. Please be aware that stock prices are subject to continuous fluctuations due to various factors.

Techno Electric & Engineering Company Ltd share price in the past 1-year return was 19.38. The Techno Electric & Engineering Company Ltd share hit a 1-year low of Rs. 607.2 and a 1-year high of Rs. 1822.

The market cap of Techno Electric & Engineering Company Ltd is Rs. 10773.99 Cr. as of 13/2/2025 12:00:00 AM.

The PE ratios of Techno Electric & Engineering Company Ltd is 33.71 as of 13/2/2025 12:00:00 AM.

The PB ratios of Techno Electric & Engineering Company Ltd is 3.05 as of 13/2/2025 12:00:00 AM

The Mutual Fund Shareholding in Techno Electric & Engineering Company Ltd was 22.23% at the end of 13/2/2025 12:00:00 AM.

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