Pankaj Piyush Trade & Investment Ltd Company background
Founded in: 1982
Managing director: Vinod Kumar Bansal
Pankaj Piyush Trade Investment Ltd was incorporated in 1982. The Company is engaged to carry on the activity of investment, invest the capital and other amounts of money of the Company in the purchase or upon the security of shares, stocks, units, debentures,debenturestock, bonds, mortgages, obligation and securities issued or guaranteed by any company, corporation or undertaking, whether incorporated or otherwise, and whereso ever constituted or carrying on business and to buy, sell or otherwise deal in, shares, stocks, debentures, debenturestock, bonds, notes mortgages, obligation and other securities issued or guaranteed by any government,sovereign ruler, commissioners, trust municipal, local or other authority or body in India or abroad. Company is also involved in wholesale trading business of fabrics and garments.
How can I buy Pankaj Piyush Trade & Investment Ltd shares?
You can easily buy Pankaj Piyush Trade & Investment Ltd shares in Kotak Securities by opening a demat account and getting the KYC documents verified online.