Kabsons Industries Ltd originally incorporated with the name Ellipse Industries Limited in 1992 was changed to its present name in March, 1993 when the New Management took over from the Original Promoters. Kabsons is a complete soluition provider for top quality products like LPG Cylinder, LPG regulator, Valves,Fittings, Adaptors and Natural Gas Regulators. It is engaged in the business of bottling and selling of LP Gas under the brand KABSONS.The company came out with a public issue in Aug.94 to partfinance a plant to manufacture gas cylinders (6 kg capacity) with an installed capacity of 5 lac and gas filling plants at 14 locations all over the country for distribution of LPG in 5.5kg cylinders for domestic use. Apart from the domestic sector, LPG is extensively used in the commercial/industrial sectors. The company successfully commenced the cylinder manufacturing plant at Aurangabad in Mar.95. There have been continual changes in the guidelines issued by the Department of Explosives in respect of requirements for bulk storage, cylinder storage and filling. This resulted in a delay in implementation, shifting to a new location, etc.In 199596, the company signed a joint venture agreement with SHV Energy India Pvt Ltd (a subsidiary of SHV Energy, the Netherlands) in Feb.96, for adequate availability of LPG to the company. During 199697, it has expanded the capacity at Baroda plant considerably and introduce a high degree of automation.Inorder to improve the utilisation of LPG bottling plants, during the year 19992000, the company has entered into an agreement for bottling of gas with Reliance Petroleum Ltd at its plant at Baroda. Also during the year under review the bottling plant at Ranchi was commissioned.Due to prevailing market conditions commissioning of Rohtak,Nagpur and Rajkot plant have been deferred.The Company started bottling operations for Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd at their Ranchi Bottling Plant in 2011. It launched LPG Cylinders at Palej in Gujarat bottling plant through Distributor network effective from August, 2016.