Founded in: 1986
Managing director: Suresh J Patel
Bodal Chemicals Limited, one of the market leader of dyestuff and dye intermediates in the world is an innovative company. At present, the Company has 9 manufacturing units in Gujarat, 4 in Ahmedabad, 3 in Vadodara and 2 in Ankleshwar where products for textiles, paper, plastic, leather and many other specialty chemicals are produced. The Company is engaged in manufacturing of Dyes, Dyes Intermediates and Basic Chemicals. Bodal Chemicals Limited was originally incorporated in the name of Dintex Dyechem Limited on September, 1986. Accordingly, the Company name was changed from Dintex Dyechem Limited to Bodal Chemicals Limited w.e.f. 22nd May, 2006. The Company is promoted by Sureshbhai J. Patel. The Companys commercial production commenced in year, 1986. In 1993, the company diversified into the manufacture of vinyl sulphone (inst. cap. : 1800 tpa) for captive consumption, export and domestic sales and also expanded to manufacture reactive dyes (inst. cap. : 600 tpa). It came out with a public issue in Aug.93 to partfinance the diversification project. Commercial production of vinyl sulphone commenced in Sep.93 and that of reactive dyes commenced in Mar.94.In 199394, the company entered the drugintermediates line by producing acetyl sulphonyl chloride (ASC) and sulpholemide with an installed capacity of 50 tpm, which was increased to 100 tpm in 1995. During 200102 the company launched 70 new dyes in the domestic market and is expecting a satisfactory returns in the years to come.Bodal Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. was amalgamated with the Company by High Court of Gujarat in April, 2006 through the Scheme of Amalgamation. The H. Acid Plant was commissioned in Vadodara during the FY 200708. The H Acid Plant got expanded by increasing its capacity to 1800 MTPA at Padra Unit in Gujarat. Milestone Organic Ltd. (Transferor Company) amalgamated with the Company and was made effective from January 01, 2007. The Company commissioned Dyes Project having manufacturing capacity of 12000 MTPA at Padra Unit, in Gujarat costing Rs 43 Crore during 200910. It also commissioned Rs 23 crore Beta Nephthol Plant with 6000 MTPA capacity at Padra Unit in Gujarat during May, 2009. A 450 TPD Sulphuric Acid plant was commenced at an investment of Rs. 62 crore at Dudhwada, Dist. Vadodara, during July, 2010. Multi Effect Evaporator (MEE) Plant got commissioned at an investment costing Rs 30 Crore at Dudhwada, in Vadodara during the FY 201415.During the financial year 201617, the Honble Gujarat High Court approved a Scheme of Arrangement for Amalgamation between Bodal Chemicals Limited (Amalgamated Company) and its wholly owned subsidiary company Bodal Agrotech Limited (Amalgamating Company) vide its Order dated 11th November, 2016.During the financial 20182019, Company made further investment in Trion Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. (TCPL) of Rs 3 Crore during June, 2018 and after the said acquisition the stake of Badal Chemicals Ltd in TCPL rose to 59% and TCPL became a subsidiary company of Badal Chemicals Ltd. The Company commissioned the Dyestuff Plant expansion by 12,000 Metric Tons Per Annum (MTPA), which increased the total capacity of Dyestuff plants of the company to 29,000 MTPA. It further commissioned establishment of Cogeneration power plant upgradation of 5 Mega Watts (MW). The production facility of Thionyl Chloride (TC) Plant for 36000 MTPA was commissioned in FY 201819. In FY 201920, the amalagamation of Trion Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., Wholly Owned Subsidiary of the Company with the Parent Company (Bodal Chemicals Ltd.) became effective from 01st April, 2019, through Scheme of Amalgamation. The Company acquired the Chemical Unit known as Siel Chemical Complex (SCC) of Mawana Sugars Ltd., located at Rajpura, Punjab, on a going concern basis during the year 202021. During the year 202122, a Scheme of Amalgamation of S P S Processors Pvt. Ltd. (subsidiary) with the Company was made effective from 1st April, 2021.The Company acquired 100% stake in Sener Boya to strengthen global presence in 2023. Vinyl sulphone plant of 6,000 MTPA capacity at SPS was commercialised in 2023. The Company acquired 100% stake in Trion Chemicals, making it a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company in 2024.
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