
How to Earn One Lakh Per Month from the Stock Market?

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  • 14 Aug 2023

Earning a substantial income from the stock market is a dream for many individuals seeking financial independence and prosperity. While achieving a consistent one lakh per month from stock market investments requires careful planning, disciplined execution, and a thorough understanding of market dynamics, it is attainable with the right strategies.

To begin your journey toward reaching the Rs. 1 lakh per month milestone, it's crucial to grasp the various avenues available for generating this income. Below are three prevalent methods traders employ to achieve the desired income through stock market trading:

1. Delivery Trading

Delivery trading is one of the most prevalent forms of trading that individual investors embrace. This approach involves initiating a buy order for shares of a chosen company through your trading account. Once the purchase order is executed, the shares from the designated company are automatically transferred and registered within your demat account within T+2 days.

Upon successful delivery to your demat account, you can sell these shares at your discretion whenever you deem it suitable. Despite its merits, it's important to note that while delivery trading offers advantages, it might not consistently yield the anticipated monthly returns. This disparity arises primarily due to an inherent time lag of approximately 2 days, spanning from the date of share purchase to their actual settlement within your demat account.

2. Intraday Trading

Intraday trading is a practice that involves the purchase and sale of company shares within the span of a single trading day. In this scenario, traders forego the customary waiting period of T+2 days for share delivery to their demat account. Instead, they navigate around the entire share delivery process by executing both the purchase and sale transactions on the same trading day within a single session.

In the context of intraday trading, the demat account still needs to be utilized. This implies that having only a trading account is sufficient to engage in this form of trading. Moreover, individuals interested in intraday trading must ensure the selection of the 'Intraday' or 'MIS' (Margin Intraday Squareoff) option while placing buy or sell orders. Failing to designate this option will result in the trade defaulting to the 'Delivery' mode.

Given the nature of intraday trading, where shares are both purchased and sold within a single trading session, it presents a heightened potential for swift returns. The ability to execute multiple trades within a day contributes to this accelerated potential. However, it is essential to note that while intraday trading offers the advantage of quick returns, the per-trade profitability might differ from that of delivery trading.

3. Derivatives Trading

For those with a genuine interest in achieving a monthly income of Rs. 1 lakh from the stock market, delving into derivatives trading is a feasible option and potentially the most rewarding one. However, it's essential to recognize that trading in derivative contracts, such as futures and options linked to shares, involves nuanced complexities that necessitate thorough research before embarking on this venture.

A key advantage of derivative trading lies in its unique approach to investment. Unlike traditional methods, derivative trading doesn't require you to commit the entire investment amount upfront. Instead, you're only obligated to provide a fraction of the total investment, commonly referred to as the 'Margin.'

This margin-based approach offers an avenue to control more contracts than your initial investment might typically allow. This enhanced control has the potential to magnify profits substantially if the market behaves in alignment with your expectations. Consequently, this accelerated profit potential can significantly hasten your journey towards attaining the desired financial goal, outpacing alternative approaches.

However, it's imperative to acknowledge a potential drawback within this framework. While the potential for amplified profits exists, the risk profile of derivative trading is characterized by a corresponding potential for magnified losses. These elevated losses could jeopardize your entire investment capital if unfavorable market conditions materialize. Given the inherently high risk-to-reward ratio associated with derivatives, it's paramount that participation in this arena is limited to those with substantial experience and knowledge.

1. Education and Research

The first step towards success in the stock market is acquiring knowledge. Educate yourself about the basics of investing, types of securities, market trends, and fundamental and technical analysis. Resources like books, online courses, financial news, and investment blogs can be beneficial in building a solid foundation.

2. Goal Setting and Planning

Clearly define your financial goal of earning one lakh monthly from the stock market. Break down this goal into achievable milestones and create a comprehensive plan outlining your investment strategies, risk tolerance, and time horizon.

3. Diversification

Diversifying your investment portfolio across different sectors, industries, and asset classes helps mitigate risks and reduce the impact of market volatility. This approach safeguards your investments and increases the potential for consistent returns.

4. Long-term Perspective

While short-term trading can be lucrative, aiming for sustainable monthly income often involves adopting a long-term investment perspective. Identify solid, fundamentally sound companies with a history of steady growth and consider holding onto them for extended periods.

5. Regular Monitoring and Adjustments

Keep a close eye on your investment portfolio. Regularly review your holdings, staying updated on market news and trends. Make informed adjustments as needed to optimize your portfolio's performance.

6. Risk Management

Stock market investments come with inherent risks. Set clear stop-loss limits to protect your investments from significant losses. Avoid investing more than what you can to lose, and maintain an emergency fund separate from your assets.

7. Continuous Learning

The dynamic nature of the stock market underscores the critical importance of maintaining an ongoing commitment to staying well-informed about the latest market developments and innovative investment strategies. As the financial landscape continues to evolve, a proactive approach to continuous learning is not just advantageous; it's an essential element of achieving sustainable success in investing.

8. Patience and Discipline

Achieving a consistent income from the stock market requires patience and discipline. Avoid making rash decisions, emotionally driven or short-term market fluctuations. Stick to your plan and investment strategy.

9. Seek Professional Advice

In pursuing a substantial income from the stock market, it's wise to recognize the invaluable role that certified financial advisors and investment professionals can play in your journey. Seeking their expert guidance can be pivotal to achieving your financial goals with prudence and confidence.

To Sum Up

Earning one lakh per month from the stock market is achievable, provided you approach it with the right mindset, strategies, and commitment. By educating yourself, diversifying your portfolio, focusing on long-term growth, and managing risks effectively, you can work towards generating a steady and substantial income from your stock market investments.

Remember, success in the stock market requires time, effort, and continuous learning, but the potential rewards can be gratifying for those willing to go the distance and put in the required efforts.


Choose high-volume stocks, understand market dynamics, be patient, leave greed and fear, and adopting a long-term approach can help you make money in the share market.

While numerous individuals have achieved significant success in the realm of stock trading, it's essential to acknowledge that engaging in equity trading is far from straightforward. Succeeding in this arena demands a combination of discipline and patience, alongside diligent research and a comprehensive grasp of market intricacies.

You can do so through regular trading and investing. That said, you need to do your homework and maintain discipline.

Profit is generated by purchasing shares at one price point and selling them at a higher value.

Across numerous decades, the collective stock market has exhibited an average annual return of approximately 10%. It's crucial to remember that this figure represents a broad market average; individual years can encompass upward or downward trends, and the performance of specific stocks can deviate significantly from this norm.

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