Imagine you are getting ready for an important interview and you just remember that it is compulsory to wear a tie for the interview. Nobody at home can help you out. The problem isn’t about not owning a tie. The problem is that you don’t know how to wear a tie!
What do you do? Do you skip the interview or land up there and pester someone to help you out?
Most likely, you will go on YouTube and watch a few videos and learn it yourself.
Now-a-days, there are various online tools which can teach you ways to become a successful investor. Some of them are:
There is no substitute to reading. It is said that the legendary Warren Buffett used to read anywhere between 600 and 1,000 pages a day when he started his investing career.
Inspired by this, we have developed an Articles sub-section. It reports the latest happenings in global and Indian stock markets. Don’t worry, you won’t drown in hard-to-understand jargons. The aim is write it in a simple way that everyone can understand.
Complicated information has been presented in a straightforward manner and important observations about the company’s first quarter results have been highlighted.
Are you new to the world of finance and investing? Want to know where to start? In today’s day and age, there are enough courses and knowledge centers available. Take our Kotak University for example. You’ll find a nicely laid-out structure of explanatory and educative content introducing you to the stock market, stock investing, trading, mutual funds, derivatives, intraday trading and even financial planning. What’s more, you’ll find some nice content in Hindi too!
All you will have to do is have the grit and patience to read and teach yourself.
Most people prefer consuming video content. They find it convenient and engaging. Keeping this in mind, we have uploaded videos in the Knowledge Bank section of our website.
Our videos offer lucid explanations about the frequently asked questions.
The beauty of educating oneself using video content is that it breaks the monopoly of the English language.
The more you read about finance, the more inquisitive you get. Questions like, “How quickly can I become a crorepati?”, “How do I start planning for retirement?” etc. will whip up a brainstorm.
We have a solution for that too. Our website has an online calculator that can answer all your finance and investment-related queries in a jiffy.
The calculator tells you how much money you need to achieve your life goals. It can also calculate the return on your investments.
Basically, our calculator is Watson to Sherlock Holmes. It is a useful tool that can help you plan your financial goals.
How would you feel if you could start investing or trading right away with a crore and not suffer actual losses?
That is what a virtual portfolio allows you to do. Once you learn enough about trading and investing and wish to put your knowledge into practice, it would be advisable to start by creating a virtual portfolio.
There are many leading providers on the internet. They give you dummy money to get a feel of the real financial world. This allows you to make mistakes, test your knowledge, make notes and figure out which strategies work for you.
To sum up, having a guru is one’s fortune but having the intention to learn is one’s choice.
You may not have the good fortune of having a wonderful mentor but you can always look to exercise your choice to learn and become your own guru in that process!